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Veterans Benefits

Our veterans deserve to be honored and recognized for their sacrifices. 

We are certified with Veterans Funeral Care and are available to walk you through service options and take care of the details on behalf of your family. Our training includes helping you handle all the documentation and paperwork involved in applying for all veteran benefits, social security, and life insurance, and providing military honors. Contact us today with any questions you have.

Understanding Veteran Eligibility and Requirements:

Veteran eligibility for burial benefits, death benefits, and memorial items hinges on various factors, primarily verified through the Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214). Pre-1950, different military branches utilized similar forms. In the absence of a DD Form 214, alternative documents demonstrating honorable discharge may suffice, and replacements can be obtained through the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Eligibility Requirements:

Active duty service members and Selected Reserve members are typically eligible.

Former service members with honorable discharge are generally eligible, barring dishonorable discharge.
Those completing at least one enlistment period in the Selected Reserves, without dishonorable discharge, qualify.
Former Selective Reserve members discharged due to service-related disabilities are eligible.

Veterans Burial Allowance:

A burial allowance, also sometimes called a “veterans death benefit”, may be available to help offset any burial, funeral, and transportation costs related to a veteran’s death. You will need to pay for these services in advance and then apply for the allowance, however it is an option if these expenses are not being reimbursed by another agency or the veteran’s employer.

The amount of a burial allowance varies based on the veteran’s date of death and whether the death was service related. There is also an additional allowance amount for a headstone or marker. Your funeral director can help you determine eligibility and the amount of any potential allowances. You can also find more information regarding burial allowances here.

Operation Toy Soldier

Why would a group of funeral directors collect toys for the children of active duty and military veterans? When we learned that the holiday season can be especially stressful for these young families, we knew we needed to help. Our goal is simple: provide a gift or two for each child in need so that that their parent or caregiver can wrap something and have a gift to give.
We partner with local businesses, American Legion Hall and VFW Posts to collect the toys and then work with local military bases and agencies that serve veterans here in our area to distribute them.

All of this is done not as a “handout” but as a “thank you for your service.”

Help us make the holidays a little brighter for these families by dropping off a toy at the funeral home or one of our drop off locations. You can even offer to have a collection bin at your office or business or arrange for a toy drive at your school or church. The need is great, the joy in giving is greater.

Learn More From Veterans Funeral Care™

Burial Flag:

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides a United States flag at no cost to the next-of-kin of a deceased veteran. The flag is provided as a keepsake designed to honor the memory of the veteran. It is typically used during the funeral or memorial service during the flag folding and presentation ceremony detailed above before being presented to the family or next-of-kin. 

Family members or close friends of the veteran may apply for a burial flag if the veteran meets one of the following eligibility requirements: 

  • The veteran served during wartime
  • They died while serving on active duty after May 27, 1941
  • The veteran served after January 31, 1955
  • They served in peacetime and were discharged or released from service before June 27, 1950 after serving at least one enlistment or were discharged due to disability that was caused or made worse by active military service. 
  • In certain cases, those who served in the Selected Reserves and those who served in the organized military forces of the Commonwealth of the Philippines while in service of the U.S. Armed Forces and who died on or after April 25, 1951.

Retire Your Flag

"The Dignified Way While Honoring a Veteran"

If your flag is no longer in a condition to be displayed, you can bring it to us or one of our service providers. We will respectfully retire your flag by draping it over a veteran during cremation, providing a dignified and honorable farewell. This service offers a patriotic way to retire aged flags while paying tribute to those who have served our country. There is no cost for this service.

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